Teona Dolenjashvili
Graduated from Tbilisi State University – Journalism and Filmmaking department.
During several years worked at the Georgian Television as a feature broadcasting director and author. While working for the Georgian Press, worked as reporter and later, as political and social observer. During that period, she has been awarded two prizes - ”Readers sympathy“, and ”Author of the most echoed letter“.
Started to publish literal works from 2003. The short story ’’Friday “, which was published in 2004, in the newspaper ”Parnass“. The story tells about a Shahid suicide bombers two last hours and gained vast popularity among local readers. It has been awarded a”Novel of the year“ prize by the newspaper ”Parnass“. The screenplay ”Fidai“ has wan the competition announced by National Film Center (directed by George Mgeladze).
Her first book, the short stories collection ”January River“, was published in 2005 by Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House. In 2006, ”January River“ has been awarded the literature prize Saba, in the nomination for the ”Best debut of the year“.
In 2004, 2005 and 2006 Teona Dolenjashvili’s short stories had been included in “15 best short stories” collections. She has participated and wan at the ”PEN Marathon 2007“.
Apart from writing, Teona has worked for various private and State establishments, as a Society communication manager. Has been participated at the various literature projects (Goethe Institute, joint literal events with Ukrainian and Azerbaijan colleagues, etc.). She has been jury member at literature competitions like “Alubloba”, “Tsero”, Saba”. She is leading author columns” Conversations about literature“ at journal ”Focus“ and newspaper ”24 hours“. Her short stories are translated to German, English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, and Azeri languages and had been published in various literature collections of the above mentioned countries.
The novel “Memphis” was published in 2008 by Publishing House SIESTA. The novel tells about an emigrant woman, who’ s life passes first on the background of the Georgian civil war and economical poverty of the nineties, and continues in European large metropolises.
The novel “Memphis” has wan the Saba prize and has been announced for the best Georgian novel of 2009.